Spider Fighter

Spider Fighter (rating 96%/680)
Spider Fighter
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Become a superhero and begin an adventure filled with action. In Spider Fighter, you will be the strongest Spider-Man. Use your powers to defeat hordes of enemies and protect the city from threats. This is not just a simple battle, but a tense adventure full of challenges and strategies. You can choose to explore the open city in Free mode. You can destroy anything you want and get rewarded for it. In the stage mode, you will put your heroic skills to good use to protect the inhabitants in distress or fight evil enemies. You have many cool skills like fast boxing and spider web skills, etc. Earn rewards to unlock more powerful superheroes and become guardians of the city.



WASD to move. V to parachute. F to drive. Shift to run faster. Space to jump. ERX to release skills. Q to kick.

On Mobile

Tap buttons on the screen.

How many people like the game and when is the publish date?

96% of 680 players like it, and the game was played 5,809 times since January-10th-2025

Can I play the game on desktop, mobile phones and tablets?

Yes, of course. The game can be played on your computer and mobile devices like phones and tablets.

Can I Play For Free?

Yes, you can play all games online for free on CarGames.Com. Just visit the page in a Web browser (desktop, mobile or pad) and enjoy yourself.
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